Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Encounter

The Poster
Its time and I will tell you about an encounter that I had with "The Prophet." Well I had gone into a poster of Cats: the Musical to get the true Broadway feel and guess who was there, "The Prophet."  I wondered why he was there and so I sat in the shadows enjoying the music and secretly watching if  "The Prophet" had any suspicious behavior. Well during intermission "The Prophet" had gotten up and naturally I followed him, because I am a superhero! He left the theater into the busy streets of New York and into an ally. How unusual...
Then he suddenly turned and I stopped in my tracks, frozen. Time was frozen! The taxi cars stopped, the traffic lights, it had started to rain and the drips of water had stayed still in the air. "The Prophet" smiled his crooked teeth showed and well something unusual happened so suddenly and weirdly it still leaves me puzzled. Charlie Chaplin fell from the sky and landed right on "The Prophet!" "The Prophet" lay there unconscious and Charlie gave me a quick wink an hopped up with his umbrella and floated away. So I swiftly took the camera from "The Prophet" and enjoyed the rest of the show. Finally I have come home victorious from "The Prophet!"
~The Silhouette 

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