Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Pattern of a Mythic Hero

My Mythic Hero The Silhouette has:
  • a hidden identity (Vera Cornett)
  • is aided by a higher power (the ring)
  • possesses superhuman ability (to travel into photographs) 
  • attempts seemingly impossible tasks (travels into photos and has adventures)
  • overcomes personal weakness 
  • defeats enemies ("The Prophet")
  • Returns home victorious, often with a prize (The Prophet's camera) 
My mythic hero relates to me because she can travel into photographs and I really enjoy taking pictures and photography. 


    The Encounter

    The Poster
    Its time and I will tell you about an encounter that I had with "The Prophet." Well I had gone into a poster of Cats: the Musical to get the true Broadway feel and guess who was there, "The Prophet."  I wondered why he was there and so I sat in the shadows enjoying the music and secretly watching if  "The Prophet" had any suspicious behavior. Well during intermission "The Prophet" had gotten up and naturally I followed him, because I am a superhero! He left the theater into the busy streets of New York and into an ally. How unusual...
    Then he suddenly turned and I stopped in my tracks, frozen. Time was frozen! The taxi cars stopped, the traffic lights, it had started to rain and the drips of water had stayed still in the air. "The Prophet" smiled his crooked teeth showed and well something unusual happened so suddenly and weirdly it still leaves me puzzled. Charlie Chaplin fell from the sky and landed right on "The Prophet!" "The Prophet" lay there unconscious and Charlie gave me a quick wink an hopped up with his umbrella and floated away. So I swiftly took the camera from "The Prophet" and enjoyed the rest of the show. Finally I have come home victorious from "The Prophet!"
    ~The Silhouette 

    Saturday, November 13, 2010

    Secret Lair

    Since I've already said so much I'm not leaving anything out. I have a secret lair, my bedroom, filled with numerous pictures and photos.There are so many photographs in my bedroom that I have put some in my bathroom.
    ~The Silhouette 


    Most superheroes have a symbol. For example, Bat Man has his bat symbol well I have a special symbol. Mine is a V. Just a plain simple V. that stands for Vera.
    ~The Silhouette 

    Thursday, November 11, 2010

    Costumes and Foes

    The Prophet's Camera
    If you aren't familiar with Superheroes, they always help people and do justice against a super villain. Well, I save people too. Just secretly... I fight against the "The Prophet" who can unwind the fabrics of time and space and can change the future while altering the present and past. Sounds dangerous, doesn't it? The Prophet uses a special camera which can transport him to any time he wishes. I have consistently failed in trying to take the camera from him.

    Two of my numerous masks
    Also many questions have been asked about the costume that I wear. Let me tell you. I wear special belts that have all the things that I need to defeat "The Prophet." I also where a mask that helps me seal my identity. All that is usually most of my ensemble. Nothing fancy like tights and capes.
    ~The Silhouette 

    Sunday, November 7, 2010

    My Motivation

    Things that motivate me are the secrets....
    The things that are unknown. You know the secrets that are lost in old pictures. The story before the picture was taken. The people behind the photo. As they say a picture is a thousand words. I want to find out the history from these photos and why they were taken and maybe I they might lead to some extraordinary discovery that will I don't know...lead to a revolution. I guess you can say I'm not motivated my the normal circumstances like Wonder Woman and doing justice and what not, but you never know....
    ~The Silhouette

    My Inner Self

    My special ring
    This is a big deal for me. I am about to admit a secret the I have kept forever, my whole life. I am about to let it all out on this blog, Vintage Photography...

    I am known by all as Vera, simply Vera. Nothing else just a lazy girl who lives in New York with my parents and 2 brothers and step sister who lives in Russia as fashion apprentice. Anyway this is about my other identity.

    As all of you probably don't know I possess an inner ability that no one before has had. I have the extraordinary talent of traveling into old as well as modern photographs and I am The Silhouette. This is possible with a special ring that I wear, made of mixed stones. This ring gives me the power to alter the material of the pictures and enter the world. I am also aided by my step sister who originally gave me the ring. She helps me whenever I'm in deep trouble.
    For example, I love going into the black & white worlds of olden pictures. Going into this photos are spectacular but also are dangerous,because of my foe, The Prophet.
    ~The Silhouette